Monday, October 26, 2009

The Importance of Knowledge

Assalamu'alaikum wrwb......

Just about an hour ago (well, before I fell asleep briefly, I couldn't tahan the sleepiness hehe), I was listening to 1 of Malcolm X's recorded speeches on Youtube before this colleague of mine came to me about something. He saw the screen on my laptop and somehow, what he said about Malcolm X disturbed me..It was something about him joining an islamic extremist organisation so I googled Malcolm X up, and read Wikipedia....

Reading the article on him amazed me...It made how different environments and knowledge can shape a person's life and his determination to do something, while others might just wait at the background for a miracle to happen or somebody else to do something they believe they couldn't do....As I read, I became disturbed, sad and a feeling of wanting to do something washed over me...According to this article by Wikipedia (sorry, I was just reading from 1 source so I myself might be biased in giving a brief 'account' of what he went through and giving my opinion here, as I do not know this man very well and his life in reality), Malcolm X was a brilliant student when he was in junior high school but dropped out due to a racist statement by his teacher (when he said he wanted to become a lawyer)....He went through a lot in his 39 or 40 years of life, starting from becoming a troubled teenager and adult, which got him imprisoned for about 10 years...While in prison, and right after he went out of prison, he came to know an organisation, the Nation of Islam (NOI), and became  a very important figure in the organisation and outside, became an activist fighting against racism (something like that), giving talks for NOI to the public, esp the African-American who felt the injustice of racism back then, until the time when he was killed and the allegations after that...You can read more on his life from the website, his autobiography, and from other sources....Talking about Malcolm X is not my main reason for publishing this entry...I browsed down the article and my eyes caught 'The Man Who Didn't Shoot Malcolm X' and checked this interesting article.

The man who didn't shoot Malcolm X, Khalil Islam (then known as Thomas 15X), was imprisoned for 22 years for the crime he allegedly didn't commit (I can't say he truly didn't although it seems like he is innocent, cz I do not know for sure) and told his side of the story and how he know of Malcolm X...What interests me is not his innocence, but instead his story back then when he was a lieutenant of NOI's Temple No. 7. (Please do read the article fully).  He was also a troubled teenager (addicted to heroine by the age of 12) until he was imprisoned at Attica if I am not mistaken. There, he came to know about NOI and after his release from prison, he went to join this organisation.

It was really saddening reading what he had gone through in life. It was clear from his interview in this article (he was imprisoned for 22 years for the crime he claimed he didn't do) that he was 'manipulated' by this organisation in believing that the founder was a God (in human form or something) and Elijah Muhammad, the leader of NOI at that time, was a prophet or a messenger of God.....Knowing the teachings of islam, we clearly know that this is can a mere human be God (Allah), how can Allah be in the form of a being (makhluk), be the same as what He has Created? He surely would not be a Creator if He is the same as what He Creates, right? And how can there be a prophet after Nabi Muhammad SAW (pbuh) when he is the last prophet to be sent for us until the Day of Judgement? How can a person, calling himself a muslim, acknowledge this? We cannot and should not sneer at them or blame them for not knowing this because they at that time didn't know the truth. We should pity them because they didn't know. And we should also reflect upon this matter, that there are probably a lot of other people now who might have a similar problem too, not knowing and not understanding about islam, so they cannot see and feel the beauty of islam. Upon knowing and realising this, we should remember that it is our job to help these people out, to see islam as it actually is and to live a true life of a muslim as how our loved Prophet Muhammad SAW taught, with guidance from the Qur'an.

Knowledge is power. Even Rasulullah had stated in at the end of his khutbah after the opening of Mecca, 'sampaikan daripadaku walau satu ayat'....islam encourages the seeking of knowledge and to use knowledge appropriately, as long as it doesn't go against the syari'at of islam. 

So, what are we going to do? Sit back & wait for others to teach, talk and spread islam, or are we going to proactively help other people to understand islam? Islam is not a religion that promotes violence, and it is not a deen that restricts its embracers and followers from becoming successful in life here in the dunia as well....well, one can only know once they truly embrace the silamic teachings and applying them in their daily lives, Allahu a'lam.....

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Something for you!! (^_^)

Assalamu'alaikum wrwb....

Nah, here's something for YOU to cheer your day!!

*got this from*

All the Best!!

Assalamu'alaikum wrwb....

Just wanna drop my best regards to all my students and x-students who are gonna sit for their upcoming exam, and those who are currently sitting for their exam (^_^)

All the best to u all...!!!

I used to feel so worried (actually, I do occasionally feel worried but I shouldn't be), but insyaAllah I will try not to....not because I don't care about you (huhu~ I do care, a lot!) but I shouldn't be worried....If I do, then it's as if I don't have faith in you and in Allah's qadr, and believing and having faith in Allah's qadr is one of the fundamentals of iman (^_^)

To all of you, students, out there....I hope that you have all worked hard for the sake of Allah's blessings...insyaAllah, Allah will never dzalim towards you, instead Allah will give you whatever it is that you need to sail your life through the sea of life...You may not do well for this exam, but remember to have faith in Allah....what you like and wanted may not be the best for you...have faith in Allah....when you have tried the best that you can and still couldn't get what you wanted, then there must be something else which is better for you out there....u just have to serach for it...doa, usaha and tawakkal (^_^)

Remember that getting to the end of the line is not what matters the most, but to Allah, it is how you get to the end that matters...then Allah can give you more pahala for your hard work and faith in trying to gain Allah's love and blessings (^_^)

Be optimistic, ayt...!! Make no room for sadness and worries (^_^) 

K then, again, All the Best!!!  (^_^) Salaam....

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Jalan Dakwah

Assalamu'alaikum wrwb....

just to share my passion (^_^) this is one of my fave nasyid song, Jalan Dakwah by Alarm Me....A pity i couldn't get the vid, 'afwan :) I love this song mainly because of it's lyrics :)

Jalan Dakwah - by Alarm Me

Dari barisan usrah
Dan dari umbi tarbiah
Muncullah sinaran fikrah
Islah terus meniti masa

Dari dewan selesa ke jalanan yg berhaba
Pejuang keadilan dan penjulang kebenaran

Bersama islam membina ummah
Usaha daulatkan syariah
Agar hidup penuh barakah

Di dalam sedih dan ketawa
Di dalam susah dan mewah
Tetap teguh iman dan takwa

Sehati sejiwa
Dulu kini selamanya
Walau apa yg melanda hadapi bersama

Ya Allah ya rabbi
Teguhkan iman kami
Moga tabah hati tak berbelah bagi

Berbekalkan islam membina masyarakat
Mengukuh umat insan sejagat
Setiap mehnah pastinya ada hikmah
Berbaik sangka pada yg Esa.

Rasulullah contoh ikutan
Prinsip syura jadikan amalan
Korban masa tenaga kita
Dan fikiran perkasakan maruah kita

Change For The Better

Assalamu'alaikum wrwbt....

Kaifa haalukum..?? Semoga dlm rahmat Allah selalu.....hehe, 'afwan again sbb batah dh nda update.....ana nda dpt cakap ana nda ter'update' pasal ana bz cz somehow ana sebenarnya ada masa.....lupa, nda jua dpt cz kdg2 tu ana ingat jua sebenarnya kn update blog, ana minta maaf sekali lagi dSebabkan oleh kekhilafan ana (^_^) sorry ek :)

*background lagu P.Ramlee.....maafkan kami~ maafkan kami~ hehehe*

Anyway, ni just kn share a thing or two lah :)

Recently, ana liat tv...skalinya ada cerita klasik ani, Masam2 Manis.....the story was funny,the songs were great (and cute), tapi batah2 ana liat ceta atu kan, semacam ja ana rasa.....then ana fikir, punya fikir, punya fikir (berapa banyak fikir daaa~), ana tiba2 jadi sedih.....bukan sbb jalan ceitanya ada part yg sedih, tapi ana sedih sbb ana liat kemungkaran atu nampak banar lah sudah masa atu...zaman 50-an 60-an dh tu....masa ani??

Apa nda nya, dlm cerita atu, kita nampak betapa seksinya pakaian2 pelakon2 wanitanya (kesian kaum adam....dh lah kalau masa ni kalau jalan2 maksiat mata di mana2....tengok atas, astaghfirullah al-'adzhim....tengok bawah, astaghfirullah al-adzhim....sekarang ni, tengok tv pun, astaghfirullah al-'adzhim.....geleng2 sja kepala, banyaknya dugaan kaum adam ani dari kaum hawa......wahai wanita, kasihanilah mereka2 ini, & especially kasihanilah diri antunna sendiri jua....nda perlu cari kemarahan Allah demi utk mendapat redha manusia2 yg nda faham tujuan hidup mereka di atas muka bumi Allah ani...), budaya barat di agung2kan & yg sedih lagi was bila si suami rela tunduk pd si isteri yg sudah melakukan dosa (banar lah org cakap "siapa tak sayang bini, oii?", tapi di mana tia harga diri sebagai suami yg muslim, apatah lagi, beriman atu..??)

Kalau kita lihat zaman skrg ani pun, kita bulih nampak yg budaya yg lain drpd budaya islam atu sangat dAgung2kan, dPuja, diikut, etc.....kalau budaya islam atu, malu pakai tudung labuh supaya aurat nda nampak pun malu, padahal sepatutnya kita perlu lebih malu lagi sekiranya aurat kitani terdedah....susuk tubuh & warna kulit tani dTempat2 yg nda patut dPertontonkan sepatutnya dSembunyikan (atau dTapuk, nya org brunei) drpd mata2 laki2 ajnabi.....dimana kesilapannya? mengapa ini terjadi...?? mengapa....????!! (dramatik eh, tapi banar ana rasa dramatik masa ani hehe....)

Kalau kitani kn buat perubahan, atau ubah org atau diri sendiri, kita perlu buat perubahan dri dlm dulu (from within ourselves), then selarikan setiap perubahan walaupun sedikit demi sedikit dgn perubahan luaran yg org lain bulih nampak (apa kn maksudnya ni...?? pusing2 eh....sabar, kajap g explain hehe).....macam jua kitani kalau kn treat dirty, rusty & murky water....adakah kita kn tukar tangki air saja kh atau kita treat air atu dri sumbernya....?? of course kita cari masalahnya & cuba selesaikan dri akar umbi dulu kn, then barutah mayb (simultaneously) kitani ubah yg physical (mcm tangki air, hos, etc.) supaya nampak lebih bersih & meyakinkan....mcm atu jua dgn diri tani, ubah apa yg ada dlm diri tani....kalau kita kn ubah diri tani utk menjadi org yg lebih baik, kita betulkan dulu kefahaman kitani, cara berfikir kitani, bentuk peribadi tani dgn the same time, kita bulih perlahan2 ubah cara kitani berpakaian (lebih sopan & tutup aurat), cara pergaulan, etc...sbb perubahan dri dlm lebih berkekalan drpd focus mengubah luaran sja.....mcm air tadi, kalau kitani tukar tangkinya sja, airnya masih jua murky tu nanti.....p kalau kita ubah & bersihkan airnya dri source nya, then kalaupun tangkinya bTagar, ia nda kan tLampau dirty like the former.....Allahu a'lam......

ok, so we change from within....the big question is how to change then? mcm yg slalu ana ckp *bila ckp pasal benda ani), mesti luruskan niat atu dulu....kita kn berubah krn apa atau krn siapa? kalau kita ikhlas kn berubah krn Allah, then insyaAllah, Allah kan tunjukkan jln & Allah kn bagi kitani pertolongan, provided that kita bukan berniat kn berubah sja, tapi kitani berusaha jua kn berubah.....part of usaha kitani is by selalu berdoa & bertawakkal pd Allah, berusaha consistent dlm melakukan ibadah walaupun sedikit, sentiasa bermujahadah ('berperang' dgn keinginan hawa nafsu sendiri yg ingin membawa kita balik kpd berbuat kemungkaran), sentiasa berdamping dgn org2 yg inginkan kebaikan & org2 yg jujur dlm beragama (islam) & selalu reflect balik apa yg sudah kita lakukan utk hari ani & utk hari esok....banyak lagi usaha2 yg lainnya, tapi so far, biar tah atu sja kali dulu....kita focus arah benda2 yg penting dlu, yg asas, then barutah arah benda2 yg kurang sikit kepentingannya :)

so far, atu sja lah kali.....again, ana minta maaf sekiranya banyak kesilapan & kekurangan dlm blog entry ani.....semua atu adalah hasil drpd kekurangan ana sendiri sebagai seorang insan yg hanya mampu bergantung harap pd belas kasihan Allah Yang Maha Luas RahmatNya.....'afwan sekali lagi sbb jarang update.....

Semoga hari2 kita berlalu dgn penuh keberkatan hingga nyawa meninggalkan jasad kitani.....

Assalamu'alaikum wrwb.....