Monday, June 2, 2008

The tongue is sharper than the sword


hi, how r ppl out there, esp. you who are reading this post...?? hehe...hope everything's alright with you (^_^)

we usually hear the english proverb quoted as 'the pen is mightier than the sword', but i think the tongue is mightier than the pen, and more dangerous....agree with me or not, please read on first before making your own judgement ok :)

a few nights ago, i was told of a javan proverb, 'your tongue is your tiger', which i think is pretty much similar to my title for this particular post....why you might ask...?? well, both indicates that we can use the tongue appropriately to the max to achieve our goals in life, but on the other hand it can also bring us to our doom if we are not careful of the damage that our very own tongues can bring us...believe it or not...??

we can say so many things with our tongues..we can convey messages from the al-quran and as-sunnah to people so that not only the people we 'preach' can better themselves insyaAllah but also us indirectly...personally, i find it better to talk about things bcos in a way talking about good things reminds me to become a better person in the future and to become a better person i need to change some of my characters, like procrastination (i really need to work on this), good time management, fiqh aulawiyat (priority check), etc....somehow, my tongue seems to be like it's not mine but rather someone else's and that someone is trying to help me and other people to be reminded of what our responsibilities are here on this dunia....

on the other hand, the tongue can also bring us to our doom if we are not careful of where, how and when we use it...for example, many times over when we talk to friends, we tend to talk about things which are better not said, things which are just a waste of time that does not bring much good to anyonw, not even ourselves....many of the things that we talk about may not be good and may even bring sin to us, such as when we talk about other people's weaknesses not for the betterment of others or to solve problems, but talking just for the sake of talking...we commit ghibah and even fitnah if we talk about something which is not true....and those who commit fitnah is compared to be eating his/her own family's flesh (so disgusting)...would we like to be like that??? i certainly try not to although sometimes it just slipped...that's why we need to be careful and always be aware and alert with our tongue...

if we have a very broad understanding of our deen and have good content knowledge of this deen of ours, the tongue can be used to uphold the truth and rule out the false remarks, thoughts and understanding of islam...we may even use the tongue's great 'power' to help our brothers and sisters, to navigate them and ourselves too to walk on the right path and not to go astray again...

so, taht's all for now...there are actually lots to say but i think i really need to stop coz it's quite difficult to open my eyes and keep my head and thougts straight hehe...i wouldn't want to post something which are useless so if you have any comment, pls feel free to do so in my blog...thank you and assalamu'alaikum (^_^)


amyheidi said...

Salam Aishah, aku pernah tulis satu post about controlling the tongue and the keyboard.

Ani ku paste linknya sini for you to read. Mudahan bermanfaat. Amin.

Anonymous said...

salam aishah. How r u? Hope aisyah ingat kat aisyah lagi... I really have a valuable time in Brunei.. and still missing u guys... jaga diri ye syah... :)