Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sikit2 tapi berterusan (^_^)

Assalamu'alaikum wrwb...

hi there....we meet again hehe (^_~) I'll just go straight to my point here (jeng jeng jeng)...*gulp, serious bunyinya* nada lah membari ijap banar p ok lah jua level keijapan atu kali heheh....

i just want to say a few things....ok, on my last post in november, i mentioned about turning over a new leaf...alhamdulillah for those (and myself) who have tried to better themselves :) especially now that it's already december & time is ticking n flying n running that we are left behind if we don't work hard, we need to ask ourselves, what have we done so far??

so, look at ur checklist (if u have): solat fardhu 5 waktu everyday --> checked, read the Quran at least once every week (understanding the content, not just reciting them) --> checked, read more beneficial books --> checked, solat sunnat --> checked, what else??? whoa....!! hold u really do this every week? well, for a starter, let me give u some wise advise.....DO which u think u can do, and do them consistently....consistency / istiqamah is very important....don't hot hot chicken poop k (^_~) hahaha....seriously....Rasulullah SAW (Be peace & Allah blessings be upon him) said "Amal kebaikan yang disukai Allah ialah yang sentiasa (berterusan) dilakukan walaupun sedikit." (Riwayat Bukhari) think of it, which one do u think is better? to do lots of ibadah for one month then stop n continue after a few months later, OR to do just one or two ibadah but consistently w/out miss? i'm not saying that buat ibadah yg sikit tapi berterusan atu cukup plg, enoughlah..yg penting penting we start wif sikit2 tapi berterusan then little by little tambah lagi n berterusan dgn yg sikit yg awal atu plus yg baru :) **sori ah f kurang faham hehe...**

i think that's all for now....mudah2an, Allah akan permudahkan bagi kita dlm menjalankan ibadah & kehidupan kita...yg penting, dlm apa pun adalah keikhlasan kita dlm melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan kerana Allah SWT sahaja...... (^_^)

assalamu'alaikum wrwb..............

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Turning over a fresh new leaf

Assalamu'alaikum wrwb....

The last time i posted something on this blog is in september....phew!! it's november now...i can't believe how long i took to just type n convey my thoughts onto this little diary of mine....f this 'diary' can talk, i must've been scolded for forgetting & ignoring him/her for soooo long hehe (^_^)

Neway, just want to share something b4 i go home...
In life, we definitely have made mistakes....we may have sinned to our parents, let our emotions run wild that we don't know the boundaries between men & women anymore, etc. That includes holding hands, slapping shoulders, dating, kissing, even having a boyfriend/girlfrend!! U might say that "hey, i love my girlfriend/boyfriend but i have never touched him/her & i never will....!! mmm...f u check the Quran, surah al-isra, u will find the verse la taqrabuzzina (do not come near to zina), Allah didn't say "do not commit promiscuity (zina) but Allah said do not go near meaning that, whatever that can lead to zina is prohibited & haram..
I have sinned too, in so many ways which may be similar to or different from what u have experienced, but Allah is the Most, what are u going to do? Myself, now that i understand what our role on this dunia is (to perform ibadah & to become khalifah) as stated in surah adz-dzariyat verse 56 & in surah al-baqarah verse 30, i can't play-play anymore...what i have done in the past needs to be repented, & i should turn a fresh new leaf in my life....
What can be done?? what am i to do?? so many questions may be left unanswered if we don't search for answers ourselves....What are YOU gonna do??

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I need a breath of cooler fresher air..**

Assalamu'alaikum wrwb..... has been a very long time since i last posted something on this's not much of a blog i think hehe....ya lah, most of them are just about me, me n more me's difficult when u like talking abt urself kn hehe....*wink2*
anyway, during my 'incubation' period (from the last time i posted something), i have gotten so many things to share with whoever is reading this humble blog of mine.....
i was (mayb still am) like many other muslims out there who do not realise what is happening to us.....i feel my self still in jahiliyyah with my mind set still pretty much not corrected as how the mind of a TRUE muslim should have....i have lots of things to improve....
anyway, i'll post something which hopefully can be shared between us....sorry if this post is so dry n boring....i can be very boring to be with hehehehe......
k, that's all......assalamu'alaikum wrwb....
p.s: miss my fwens!! miss my sis!!
btw, anyone who knows how to make blogs more cheerful n pretty to look at?? mine is so boring cz i'm pretty much illiterate when it comes to technologies regardless of how simple they may be :P tsk2.....

Monday, June 2, 2008

The tongue is sharper than the sword


hi, how r ppl out there, esp. you who are reading this post...?? hehe...hope everything's alright with you (^_^)

we usually hear the english proverb quoted as 'the pen is mightier than the sword', but i think the tongue is mightier than the pen, and more dangerous....agree with me or not, please read on first before making your own judgement ok :)

a few nights ago, i was told of a javan proverb, 'your tongue is your tiger', which i think is pretty much similar to my title for this particular post....why you might ask...?? well, both indicates that we can use the tongue appropriately to the max to achieve our goals in life, but on the other hand it can also bring us to our doom if we are not careful of the damage that our very own tongues can bring us...believe it or not...??

we can say so many things with our tongues..we can convey messages from the al-quran and as-sunnah to people so that not only the people we 'preach' can better themselves insyaAllah but also us indirectly...personally, i find it better to talk about things bcos in a way talking about good things reminds me to become a better person in the future and to become a better person i need to change some of my characters, like procrastination (i really need to work on this), good time management, fiqh aulawiyat (priority check), etc....somehow, my tongue seems to be like it's not mine but rather someone else's and that someone is trying to help me and other people to be reminded of what our responsibilities are here on this dunia....

on the other hand, the tongue can also bring us to our doom if we are not careful of where, how and when we use it...for example, many times over when we talk to friends, we tend to talk about things which are better not said, things which are just a waste of time that does not bring much good to anyonw, not even ourselves....many of the things that we talk about may not be good and may even bring sin to us, such as when we talk about other people's weaknesses not for the betterment of others or to solve problems, but talking just for the sake of talking...we commit ghibah and even fitnah if we talk about something which is not true....and those who commit fitnah is compared to be eating his/her own family's flesh (so disgusting)...would we like to be like that??? i certainly try not to although sometimes it just slipped...that's why we need to be careful and always be aware and alert with our tongue...

if we have a very broad understanding of our deen and have good content knowledge of this deen of ours, the tongue can be used to uphold the truth and rule out the false remarks, thoughts and understanding of islam...we may even use the tongue's great 'power' to help our brothers and sisters, to navigate them and ourselves too to walk on the right path and not to go astray again...

so, taht's all for now...there are actually lots to say but i think i really need to stop coz it's quite difficult to open my eyes and keep my head and thougts straight hehe...i wouldn't want to post something which are useless so if you have any comment, pls feel free to do so in my blog...thank you and assalamu'alaikum (^_^)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Selangkah kita berjalan menuju Allah, seribu langkah Allah 'berlari' mendapatkan kita


Maha suci Allah yg menciptakan alam semesta daripada segala bentuk syirik yang diadakan oleh makhluk2nya yg tidak beriman...

shah diingatkan kembali oleh sahabat yang berkata ketika membuat presentation about iman: "iman itu bukan hanya percaya tetapi YAKIN dgn sebenar2nya..."

banyak diantara kita yg cakap kita percaya akan kewujudan Allah, akan kebesaran dan keagungannya..percaya akan adanya syurga & neraka, percaya akan datangnya hari kiamat apabila tiba waktunya...tapi adakah kita benar2 yakin akan semua yg kita percaya itu?? kadang2 kita percaya setakat di lidah saja tapi bila ada org terutama sekali org kafir bertanya kpd kita bermacam2 soalan, adakah kita mampu untuk menjawab semua soalan2 itu dgn penuh percaya & YAKIN, tidak merasa ragu-ragu dgn jawapan yg kita berikan?? sebagai contoh:

S: Apakah hari kiamat itu betul2 akan tiba?

S: Apakah betul kita akan dihidupkan kembali setelah kita mati?

S: Bagaimana kamu tahu?

S: Hari Kiamat itu belum lagi tiba. Apakah kamu benar2 yakin ia akan terjadi?

S: Al-Quran dan Hadis2 dari nabi kamu ada mengatakannya, tapi mengapa tidak ada terkandung di dalam kitab2 agama2 yg lain?

S: Bagaimana kamu begitu yakin bahawa apa yg terkandung di dalam Al-Quran dan apa yg di ajarkan oleh nabi kamu itu betul? Apa bukti2nya?

S: Ada kisah2 di dalam Al-Quran menyamai dengan kisah2 di dalam bible & talmud. bagaimana ia boleh ada persamaan? Apakah nabi kamu mengolahkan kembali cerita yang ada di dalam bible, contohnya, ?

S: Bagaimana kamu tahu ia tidak di reka2 oleh nabi kamu?

Apabila kita ditanya dgn soalan2 begini, kadang2 ia boleh membuat kita berfikir, apakah agama yg ku pegang & anuti ini betul? Memang ada org2 yg tdk beriman akan bertanya soalan2 begini & ia boleh membuat muslim yg kurang beriman untuk merasa ragu2...

mengapa ragu2 bila petunjuk2 & tanda2 kebenaran agama islam yg kita berpegang kepadanya ini ada benar? bukankah banyak petunjuk2 Allah yg telah di perlihatkanNya, untuk kita berfikir & untuk kita hayati??

"We will show them our signs in all regions of the earth & in their own souls, until they clearly see that this is the truth?" [Al-Fusilat, 41 : 53].

Banyak sudah bukti2 kekuasaan Allah yg telah di tunjukkannya...contohnya, pokok ruku' dAustralia, pokok2 yg berupa kalimah syahadah la ilaha illallah, muhammadur rasulullah (in arabic) di German, berapa banyak nama Allah pada daging, awan, kaktus, sikoi, etc. itu yg nampak pada zahirnya....bagaimana pula yg kita encounter hari2?? berapa kali yg kita bertemu dgn jawapan kpd persoalan kita secara 'kebetulan'...?? berapa banyak kali kita dibantu oleh keadaan2 yg tidak disangka2..??

sudah terlalu banyak ni'mat yg dh Allah bagi kt kita tapi kita saja yg tidak atau kurang peka...berapa banyak juga soalan2 mengenai agama yang kita sengaja tidak mau memikirkannya atau melalaikan mencari jawapannya kerana ia 'membebankan' kepala & kita 'terlalu sibuk' sampai tidak mengendahkannya?

utk berjaya dlm hidup dDunia & akhirat, kita perlu ilmu & kefahaman..hadis nabi saw: jika seseorang yg inginkn kebahagiaan di dunia, hendaklah ia berilmu, jika ia inginkan kebahagiaan di akhirat, hendaklah ia berilmu, dan jika ia menginginkan kedua2nya (dunia & akhirat), maka hendaklah ia berilmu....tapi macam mana keadaannya org yg berilmu tanpa kefahaman?

fikir2kanlah.....assalamu'alaikum (^_^)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

kurangnya ilmu....


last sunday, shah dtg majlis ilmu bkn sahaja utk menambah ilmu (obviously heheh) tapi juga utk memperkukuhkan iman insyaAllah...shah sedar betapa banyaknya yg shah tak tahu ttg agama shah, hukum hakam, fikrah, al-Quran, al-hadith, etc. knowing it, shah rasa bimbang sbb what if shah meninggal masa tu jugak atau sblum shah smpt nak betul2 bertaubat? what if shah tak sempat nak menyampaikan risalah nabi SAW kpd yg sepatutnya?? org2 dSekeliling shah??

shah akan sambung lagi nanti sbb skrg ni computer lab dh nak kena kunci...kacau daun betullah heheh :P

k, assalamu'alaikum ;)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Something to think about

Assalamu'alaikum wrwb....

hi everyone....well. i dunno how many ppl r reading my blog tee hee hee (^_^) neway, i'll just tell u what i have in mind now...hopefully we can share n f u have something to share wif me, PLS do share it wif me ayt ;)

what i wanna talk abt 2nyt is very simple, just my activities at school ;) at dMoment, we just have a club set up....dClub is abt islam, relatively very new n it's officially under the religious department but not beyond that, not yet.....i regard the club members to be dCore members coz it's them who wanted this club 2 b established...what i can say abt this club is that dTeacher in charge (basically i regard him as our naqib coz he's dOne working so hard in making this club a reality n my friends n i at the moment r just helping him out...insyaAllah we'll contribute more insyaAllah) is working hard n we r too insyaAllah...the students are great but there are still lots of things to do wif them, 2 correct their understanding abt islam insyaAllah (at the same time consolidating ours too) n 2 let them be more aware of their surroundings n especially to b aware of our (the muslims) responsibilities on this dunia....with rahmat from Allah n with Allah's willing hopefully we can help our sisters n brothers in islam.....insyaAllah ;) pray for our success yeah cz we r doing this solely bcoz of Allah insyaAllah (^_^)

there r so many things to say actually...but i need 2 do something else 1st....i'll share what i have wif u insyaAllah k....assalamu'alaikum (^_^)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008, hectic, tiring...u name it :P


hehe...hi there's been a bz day today...y....??? got lots of things to do, pending things....hahaha so 1 thing i wanna share wif u ppl is, DO NOT PROCRASTINATE...!!! do what u need 2 ASAP so all those work do not pile up til u feel like u couldn't handle it....

my eyes are heavy n my brain is near near boiling...not of anger, but of all dThings that have gone in n out of it, a bz traffic hahaha :D

neway, not so much 2 talk about cz so tired (we have makan2 arwah at home karang mlm aftr isya', yea...i believe u can picture how much of a soft vege i will become later on hahaha)....

k, so far atu sja lesson plans 2 prepare....mudah2an siap everything today so i don't have 2 worry 2 much abt it, at least not unytil next week lah....btw, my pic nanti ja i upload pasal ritu laptop berformat so pics baru alum ada...yg lama saved dlm cdRom ;)

k, assalamu'alaikum then n have a great day today ;)

Monday, April 28, 2008


Assalamu'alaikum.... kira the first time shah buat blog...ada dh ritu actually p lupa pulak blog address, etc.....x tau nak cari so shah buat yg baru je....senang cerita hehehe (^_^)

neway, shah create blog ni pun bukan saja2....shah ada tujuan...shah nak share my thoughts (hopefully everyday) sbb banyak thoughts shah, persoalan2, etc. terbuang macam tu aje....syg jugak ek hehe (^_^) shah jugak nak share experience shah, my everyday activities (if possible) etc....mudah2an sesiapa yg baca blog ni akan dpt manfaat drpd apa yg kita share bersama ok ;)

setakat ni tu je lah...sbnrnya dh leway ni...shah sorang2 je kat staffroom ni (btw, shah ni guru kt sebuah sekolah kt, yeah hehe)

k, tu aje...bye2 n assalamu'alaikum utk smua (^_^)