Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sikit2 tapi berterusan (^_^)

Assalamu'alaikum wrwb...

hi there....we meet again hehe (^_~) I'll just go straight to my point here (jeng jeng jeng)...*gulp, serious bunyinya* nada lah membari ijap banar p ok lah jua level keijapan atu kali heheh....

i just want to say a few things....ok, on my last post in november, i mentioned about turning over a new leaf...alhamdulillah for those (and myself) who have tried to better themselves :) especially now that it's already december & time is ticking n flying n running that we are left behind if we don't work hard, we need to ask ourselves, what have we done so far??

so, look at ur checklist (if u have): solat fardhu 5 waktu everyday --> checked, read the Quran at least once every week (understanding the content, not just reciting them) --> checked, read more beneficial books --> checked, solat sunnat --> checked, what else??? whoa....!! hold u really do this every week? well, for a starter, let me give u some wise advise.....DO which u think u can do, and do them consistently....consistency / istiqamah is very important....don't hot hot chicken poop k (^_~) hahaha....seriously....Rasulullah SAW (Be peace & Allah blessings be upon him) said "Amal kebaikan yang disukai Allah ialah yang sentiasa (berterusan) dilakukan walaupun sedikit." (Riwayat Bukhari) think of it, which one do u think is better? to do lots of ibadah for one month then stop n continue after a few months later, OR to do just one or two ibadah but consistently w/out miss? i'm not saying that buat ibadah yg sikit tapi berterusan atu cukup plg, enoughlah..yg penting penting we start wif sikit2 tapi berterusan then little by little tambah lagi n berterusan dgn yg sikit yg awal atu plus yg baru :) **sori ah f kurang faham hehe...**

i think that's all for now....mudah2an, Allah akan permudahkan bagi kita dlm menjalankan ibadah & kehidupan kita...yg penting, dlm apa pun adalah keikhlasan kita dlm melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan kerana Allah SWT sahaja...... (^_^)

assalamu'alaikum wrwb..............